Our Clients
At Certain Measures, we don't have a typical client. Instead, we work with people who are focused on leveraging emergent technology as a strategy for creating trailblazing experiences. Whether commercial, institutional, or cultural, people come to us to create provocative visions with cutting-edge technology.
Research through art
Our artistic practice is the core of our commitment to optimistic imagination and a driver of the work we try to bring into commercial production. Through installations, exhibitions, and literature, we are able to project further into the future, to use art as research into world-building. Our provocative prototypes create alternate futures where technologies facilitate ambitious human-system interactions.

We have developed experiences for clients such as the Dubai Futures Foundation and Berlin's Futurium, and our work is in the permanent collection of the Centre Pompidou.
Development through COmputational engineering
Product development is uncompromising. Technical execution requires rigorous thinking. Today, companies trying to build novel products and services often encounter challenging spatial and geometric problems that need to be resolved in order for delivery to be possible.

Luckily, we are designers who are able to engineer. For these companies, we develop applications that make their dreams possible without them having to find and hire a team of software engineers with niche domain expertise. They can focus on their core value proposition and getting their product to market. Our past clients have come from the automotive, medical, and building industry.
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